Stronghold Wiki

Here are the quotes of Pascal Deveraux, aka The Hawk.

Action Quote Sound
Prepares for siege Attack with me! Side by side we could accomplish so much!
Taunt 1 Do you not grow weary of losing battle after battle? It seems a thankless task.
Taunt 2 It boils down to this: there can only be one victor. Let us ensure it is I!
Taunt 3 I find your presence really rather tiresome. Good job you'll not be here for very much longer!
Taunt 4 Kill them! Slowly, if possible.
Gains estate Hahaha, bien! Another estate to add to my collection!
Player's buildings are destroyed Hah! I hope you are not too fond of those buildings!
Defeats player Come now, do not be angry! You just lack leadership quality, that's all.
Loses estate 1 Not the best move I have seen you make, knight, but interesting. Watch your back.
Loses estate 2 I do hope you intend giving that estate back. Wouldn't want you turning up dead in a cesspit or anything, would we?
Player deflects attack It is not your destiny to rule this country!
Defeated No! It cannot be!
Kills common enemy Must I be burdened with full responsibility for the war? Try attacking!
Falls as ally Ah! The throne was mine, I tell you! Mine...